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Zoho Expense Overview

Zoho Expense is an online expense reporting software that automates recording of expenses from receipts, simplifies Expense Reporting, streamlines the approval process, and provides control over business expenditures. Zoho Expense brings to the table the convenience of simplified travel booking, faster expense reporting, and effective cost control.

Key Features of Zoho Expenses


Receipt Management

Managing receipts doesn’t need to be a hassle anymore. Zoho Expense offers convenient features like automatic receipt scanning, forwarding, bulk importing, and integration with other cloud applications. With Zoho Expense, all your receipts are securely stored digitally, eliminating the risk of losing paper copies. Say goodbye to tedious receipt management with Zoho Expense!

Expense Management

Streamline your expense management with Zoho Expense. Our platform offers various ways to upload expenses, regardless of the currency involved. Whether it’s itemizing, splitting, applying per diem allowances, or consolidating expenses under one category, Zoho Expense has you covered. As an administrator, customize expense creation forms to align with your organization’s needs. Specify mandatory fields for employees to fill in when submitting expenses. Experience efficient expense management with Zoho Expense!

Mileage Tracking

Efficiently monitoring business mileage is crucial for effective organizational spending management. Zoho Expense ensures precise mileage tracking, guaranteeing 100% accuracy. Easily record mileage expenses through four distinct methods using your Android, iPhone, or even Apple Watch devices.

Per diem

Zoho Expense streamlines per diem calculations through automation. Establish predefined rules aligned with country compliance and specific locations. Say goodbye to manual calculations and enjoy fast, accurate expense reports.


Corporate Card Reconciliation

Link your corporate cards with Zoho Expense to accelerate the reconciliation process. Assign cards to individual employees and effortlessly access card feeds in real-time. Easily distinguish personal and business expenses, automatically matching and reconciling the latter. Benefit from our dashboard’s comprehensive reconciliation overview for added convenience.

Direct Feed Integration

Rest assured about the security of importing corporate card feeds into Zoho Expense through third-party channels. With Direct Feed Integration (DFI), you can directly fetch corporate card feeds from Visa, Mastercard, and Amex (American Express) without any intermediaries.

Expense Report

Expense Report Management

Simplify expense reporting for employees, allowing them to effortlessly generate detailed expense reports with essential information. Enable features like applying cash advances, downloading expense report PDFs, and streamlining the reporting process with various report types.

Expense Report Automation

Are you exhausted from constantly creating reports manually? Or perhaps you find yourself forgetting to add expenses and submit reports online? Embrace expense report automation to streamline the entire process effortlessly. Let Zoho Expense automatically add expenses to a report and submit it on your behalf, putting your mind at ease.


Simplified Approvals

For organizations adhering to a linear, hierarchical approval process for expense reporting, Zoho Expense offers customizable default approval settings. Easily configure out-of-office approvers and set up reminders for pending approvals to ensure smooth workflow management.

Custom Approvals

Approval needs differ across organizations. If you prefer a tailored, non-linear, or multi-stage approval process, Zoho Expense offers flexible solutions. Design intricate approval flows, accommodating various stages, and guarantee that transactions are reviewed by the appropriate individuals before approval.

Audit and compliance

Expense Auditing

Remain informed about policy breaches or potential duplicate entries, generate audit trail reports, detect fraudulent activity, ensure expenses are digitally documented, and instantly back up data. With Zoho Expense, you’ll be well-prepared for the tax season with an audit-ready system.


Zoho Expense adheres to GDPR compliance and holds ISO certification. Alongside a global edition, Zoho Expense offers dedicated editions for the US, UK, India, Canada, Australia, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. Rest assured, you’ll never have to fret over local compliance regulations again.

Expense Control


Establish policies tailored to various branches, departments, or cost centers to ensure all employee expenses adhere to set limits. Receive instant notifications for any violations detected. Additionally, customize mileage and per diem rates to align with different policy requirements.

Expense Rules

Implement limit rules based on fixed amounts, expense count, mileage thresholds, and other criteria. Opt to either warn or restrict employees from submitting expense reports when a rule is breached. Establish daily, monthly, or yearly expense limits, or configure rules for custom durations as needed.


Establish budgets for expense categories or types to regulate spending. Receive warnings or prevent employees from creating expenses that surpass the budget. Access analytics comparing actual spending to the initially set budget, enabling effective monitoring and control over expenses.

What is Zoho Expense used for?

Zoho Expense is an online platform designed to streamline expense reporting processes, making expense accounting more efficient and hassle-free. It provides businesses with a user-friendly interface to manage and track expenses incurred by employees, allowing for easy submission, approval, and reimbursement of expenses. By digitizing the expense reporting process, Zoho Expense helps businesses save time and resources while ensuring accuracy and compliance.

Additionally, Zoho Expense offers features such as receipt scanning and mileage tracking, further simplifying the expense management process. This allows employees to easily capture and submit expenses on-the-go, reducing the likelihood of errors and delays.

Moreover, Zoho Expense integrates seamlessly with other Zoho productivity tools and third-party applications, providing businesses with a comprehensive solution for managing their finances. Whether it’s tracking travel expenses, meals, or office supplies, Zoho Expense offers customizable categories and reporting options to meet the specific needs of each business.

Overall, Zoho Expense is an essential tool for businesses looking to streamline their expense management processes, improve efficiency, and gain better control over their finances.

What is the difference between Zoho Books and Zoho Expense?

While Zoho Books includes an expense module, Zoho Expense offers a more comprehensive approach to managing expenses. Zoho Expense goes beyond basic expense tracking by providing additional features like automated expense report generation and streamlined approval processes. It offers a user-friendly interface for employees to submit expenses and for managers to approve them efficiently.

Zoho Expense is designed specifically for expense management, focusing on optimizing the entire process from submission to reimbursement. It includes tools for receipt scanning, mileage tracking, and categorizing expenses, making it a one-stop solution for businesses to manage their expenses effectively.

In contrast, Zoho Books integrates expense management into its broader accounting platform. While it does offer expense tracking capabilities, its primary focus is on accounting tasks such as invoicing, payments, and financial reporting.

By integrating Zoho Books with Zoho Expense, businesses can leverage the strengths of both platforms. This integration allows for seamless synchronization of expense data with accounting records, ensuring that expense management and accounting processes work together seamlessly. Overall, while both platforms address expense management, Zoho Expense provides a more specialized and feature-rich solution in this area.

Best Expensify Alternative in 2024 - Zoho Expense

Sick of complicated expense tracking? Simplify your expense management with Zoho Expense’s intuitive interface, designed for businesses of all sizes. Enjoy a user-friendly platform, dependable global support, and transparent pricing.

11 Reasons why Zoho Expense is the perfect Expensify alternative

  1. Autoscan Receipts in Multiple Languages:
    Zoho Expense automatically converts receipts into expenses in 15 languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Danish, Chinese, Norwegian, Swedish, Malay, Thai, Vietnamese, and Russian.
  2. No Hidden “Unbundling” Charges:
    Unlike Expensify, Zoho Expense charges are straightforward—you only pay for active users, with no additional fees for different cards.
  3. Globally Local:
    Zoho Expense offers various editions tailored to country-specific compliance needs. Choose from the Global edition or editions for the US, India, UK, Canada, Australia, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.
  4. Reliable Support:
    Our dedicated support team is available 24×5 via phone, email, and chat to assist with your T&E management issues.
  5. Multilingual App Support:Set a default language for your apps, and everything on screen will display in your preferred language. Zoho Expense supports English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Vietnamese.
  6. Fraud Detection:
    Zoho Expense’s AI-powered fraud detection and robust rule engine help ensure that fraudulent expenses are flagged and audited effectively.
  7. Cleaner UI:
    Experience an intuitive, clutter-free user interface that gets you up and running quickly.
  8. Streamlined Accounting:
    Zoho Expense integrates seamlessly with leading ERP and accounting systems, ensuring accurate and efficient expense accounting.
  9. Fully Customizable:
    Tailor Zoho Expense to meet your business needs. Customize every aspect of the app to reflect your company’s unique requirements.
  10. Enterprise-Ready:
    Perfect for enterprise businesses, Zoho Expense offers powerful features, integrations, and personalized support to facilitate smooth T&E management transitions.
  11. Zoho Ecosystem Integration:
    Zoho Expense is part of the extensive Zoho ecosystem. With a single Zoho account, all Zoho apps come pre-integrated for seamless use.


Why Businesses choose Zoho Expense?